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Children’s Recreational Enterprise Support Trust  (CREST) is a fully independent registered charity established in 1992.


The first aim of CREST is to raise funds to assist disadvantaged children in the Dunedin area. These disadvantages may be ill health, physical or emotional disability or lack of family resources. Grants can be applied for to help a child participate with others especially in recreational activities such as clubs, sports, school camps or to assist in a child’s recovery from illness. Grants may also be made to other charities which enhance children’s health, welfare or social well-being.


The second aim of CREST is to provide enjoyable and informative rides for everyone at the Dunedin Botanic Garden, designated as a Garden of International Significance, enhancing people’s experience of this beautiful place.

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Funds are raised by running a Novelty Train and an electric Shuttle in the Dunedin Botanic Garden. These are run independently of the Botanic Garden but with their co-operation. CREST is run completely by volunteers.




Our founder, Arthur Linnell, started raising funds for disadvantaged children by running pony rides in the Botanic Garden. When he could not continue this he promoted the idea of a train ride and found some keen supporters to help. Grants from The Lotteries Board and the Otago Community Trust enabled the tractor train to be built and a garage to house it to be erected in the Botanic Garden. The Train started in February 1993 and has continued to be very popular.


 In 2012 an electric vehicle suitable for running to the Upper Garden was purchased. This was named the “Shuttle Bug” and enables everyone, but especially tourists and seniors, easy access to both the Lower and Upper Garden.


Dunedin Botanic Garden, Great King Street, North Dunedin.

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